The Director of Drama Education Research Centre of Tianfu No.7 High School

The head of the Arts Education team and drama teacher of Tianfu No.7 High School Primary Section

Member of the International Drama/Theatre and Education Association

Member of Hellenic Theatre/Drama & Education Network

Member of the Orff Professional Committee of the Chinese Musicians Association

Director of the Chengdu Overseas Friendship Association

Member of Sichuan Dramatists Association

Artist-in-Residence of the Guanghui Arts Museum

Director-in-Residence of Starlight Theatres

The pro bono mentor of drama education of Zhejiang Zhipu Public Welfare Foundation

Drama teacher on Drama in Education in Chengdu College of Arts and Sciences,

Drama teacher on intercultural theatre of College of China-ASEAN Arts of Chengdu University

He graduated from the University of Peloponnese, Greece with a Master's degree in Drama in Education, and was awarded the honorary title of Chinese Ambassador of Drama in Education by the Rector. He is now a PhD student of Department of Theatre Studies, University of Peloponnese. He received his B.A. in Economics from Renmin University of China.

He was the first to make drama as a compulsory curriculum in primary schools in Chengdu. He designed three levels of drama curriculum, including compulsory, elective and specilized, as well as the annual Zhiren Theatre Festival. The drama course "Myrtis" was reported by the Greek media "Kathimerini", officially supported by the Chinese Embassy in Greece, the Embassy of Greece in China, the Foreign Affairs Office of Chengdu, etc., and accepted by the World Alliance of Arts Education. The paper “Practical Research on the Construction of Educational Theatre Curriculum Based on the Archaeological Project Myrtis of Ancient Greece” won the First Prize of the Research Paper Selection of "Chinese and Foreign Humanities Exchange Characteristic Project" for Primary and Secondary Schools in Chengdu in the year of 2022. He has been actively providing guidance and support to other schools in drama education, including lectures, public classes, workshops, etc.

He has been actively popularising drama education. He organized the first Drama Education Forum Tianfu No.7 High School which attracted more than two hundred teachers from all over China. He has undertaken public classes and lectures on drama educaiton for the Future Principals Training Course of the National Training Plan and the Backbone Principals Course of Chongqing Municipality, and presented an English drama lesson "Cinderella" at the IDEAC Conference on Application and Practice of Drama Education and offered drama education workshops for teachers from all over the country. He delivered a keynote speech on "Primary and Secondary School Drama Curriculum Based on Educational Drama" at Nanjing Drama and Education Cooperation Conference. He has been supporting rural teachers to improve their drama education capacity by providing drama education workshops for the "T+ Rural Teachers' Aesthetic Education Literacy Development Support Programme", and acting as a public service tutor for drama education in the "Zhipu - Aesthetic School Co-creation Project", and providing systematic training on drama education for all the teachers of Tongpu Town Central Primary School. He also provided drama education lectures to schools such as Jianxin School in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province and Jiang'an High School in Yibin, Sichuan Province.

He has collaborating with universities on drama education. He was invited to attend the National Conference on Drama Education for Primary and Secondary Schools held by the Central Academy of Drama in Beijing and exchanged ideas with teachers from all over China, and then facilitated the partnership between Tianfu No. 7 High School and Central Academy of Drama to establish the "Drama Education Internship Base of Central Academy of Drama". He connected a partnership between Tianfu No.7 High School and College of Chinese-ASEAN Arts of Chengdu University, and teaching intercultural theatre to the international students. He has been teaching drama in education to the students of the Department of Primary School Education of Chengdu College of Arts and Sciences.

He has been actively developing museum-school and community-school partnerships. He has been active in community art education, including drama education workshop "Children Chasing the Stars" in Yizhou community, drama education workshop "The Old Man and the Lake" in Luxelake community, co-curating the projects "Playing School""A world of dialogue between the five senses” “Strange me” with A4 Art Museum’s iSTART Children's Art Festival. He organized drama education workshops for visually impaired children, and established a parents’ drama community. He was invited to be an artist-in-residence at the Guanghui Gallery, curating and organising art exhibitions and performances, and to be an director-in-residence at Startlight Theatres.

He is experienced in children's theatre. He has directed and created works such as "Jingwei Filling Up the Sea", "The Nine-Coloured Deer", "Myrtis", "Antigone", "The Wheel of the Year", “The Mayfly”, “The Neclace”, “Irarus’ Wings”, etc. The theatrical work "Myrtis" was invited to participate in the 100th Anniversary of Kozani Municipal Library in Greece. "Jingwei Filling Up the Sea" was selected as a finalist for the Third National Exhibition of "Little Messengers of Chinese and Foreign Humanities Exchange" by the Centre for Chinese and Foreign Humanities Exchange of the Ministry of Education and China Children's Theatre Festival, and "Antigone" “The Mayfly” and “Jingwei Filling Up the Sea” were accpeted and performed in Daliangshan International Theatre Festival. He also directed the children’s science fiction play “The Triassic Starlights” in the Starlight Theatres.

He has been actively promoting international exchanges and academic research on drama education. He delivered the keynote speech "Drama in Education in Primary Schools in China" at the IDEA Together We Go On Festival (29 August 2021) as a guest speaker, and was invited as guest of honour for a talk with Maria van Bakelen, Founding President of IDEA, at the inaugural event of the 30th anniversary of IDEA. He presented "The evolutionary path of the lyre according to the archaeological and literary sources" at the Doctoral and Postdoctoral Colloquium of the University of Peloponnese, Greece, and "Integrated Arts Education in Chinese Schools" at the International Conference on Performing Arts organised by Makerere University, Uganda. He also presented "Building Integrated Arts based on Educational Drama to Promote Quality Development of Primary and Secondary School Arts Education under the New Curriculum" at the Chengdu Education Research Institute, Chengdu.

He has worked on culture exchange between China and Greece for many years. He produced and starred in the Greek version of Farewell My Concubine, which premiered to a full house at the Olympia Theatre in Athens. Participated in the Greek theatre camp Epidaurus Lyceum and performed in the Ancient Theatre of Epidaurus in the ancient Greek play "Agamemnon" and "Thesmophoriazusae". He cooperated with Greek musicians and orchestras in many Sino-Greek concerts in Athens, such as "Poetry and Music Spring and Autumn", and participated in the shooting of Greek TV programmes, advertisements and TV dramas. Organised mutual exchanges between Chinese and Greek artists, and published the first collaborative album in the history of China and Greece, "Aegean". He founded the Sino-Greek cultural exchange organisation Meet Culture, which has successfully completed dozens of cultural exchange projects, such as the Greek Music Journey, "Travelling China" Art Festival, the Chinese Animation and Comics Tour to Greece, and the Educational and Drama Summer Camp in Greece, etc. He has also participated in the establishment of the Friendship City relationship between Chengdu, Athens and Patras, and was awarded the title of "Chief Chinese Friend of Athens" by the Municipality of Athens.

Several papers have been published in academic journals, including "The endeavors of drama in education in the primary school education in China" in the 2022 issue of Education and Theatre, the academic journal of the Hellenic Association for Theatre Education, "Το θεατρικό παιχνίδι στο μάθημα της ιστορίας: Η Μύρτις μάς ταξιδεύει από τον λοιμό των Αθηνών στην πανδημία του σήμερα" was published in the Greek scholarly journal Διάλογοι! Θεωρία και πράξη στις επιστήμες αγωγής και εκπαίδευσης, etc. “Practical Research on the Construction of Drama Education Curriculum based on the Ancient Greek Archaeological Project ‘Myrtis’” won the First Prize of the Research Paper Selection of "Chinese and Foreign Humanities Exchange Characteristic Project" in Primary and Secondary Schools of Chengdu City in the year of 2022.

He has written and published the Greek travel books "Adventures with the Greek Gods" and "The Greek Travel Book". The drama education book "Theory and Practice of Drama Education - Textbook for Students of Primary Education" and "Arts Education Futures: Trends Across the Globe" which he participated in writing will be published soon.







积极推动国际交流和学术研究。在国际戏剧教育协会(IDEA)Together We Go On Festival作为演讲嘉宾发表主题演讲《Drama in Education in Primary Schools in China》。在国际戏剧教育协会(IDEA)30周年纪念活动THE (HI)STORY OF IDEA首场活动中,受邀与创会主席Maria van Bakelen共同作为嘉宾进行对谈。在希腊伯罗奔尼撒大学博士与博士后学术研讨会发表《The evolutionary path of the lyre according to the archaeological and literary sources》专题演讲。在乌干达Makerere University举办的表演艺术国际会议上发表《Integrated Arts Education in Chinese Schools》专题报告。在成都市教科院成都教育高质量发展博士论道中发表《新课标下以教育戏剧为基础构建综合艺术以推动中小学艺术教育高质量发展》主题报告。

多年从事中希文化交流。在希腊版《霸王别姬》中担任编剧、制作人和主演,该剧在雅典奥林匹亚剧场首演满座。参与希腊戏剧训练营Epidaurus Lyceum,并在古剧场演出古希腊戏剧《阿伽门农》《地母节妇女》。多次与希腊音乐家和乐队合作,在雅典举办《诗乐春秋》等多场中希音乐会,参与希腊电视台节目、广告、电视剧等拍摄。创立中希文化交流组织如见文化,共圆满完成希腊音乐之旅、“游走中国”艺术节、中宣部中国动漫希腊行、希腊教育戏剧夏令营等数十个文化交流项目,参与促成成都市与雅典市和帕特雷市结为友好城市,由雅典市政府授予“Chief Chinese Friend of Athens”荣誉称号。多次为成都市政府代表团访问希腊完成行程安排和人员联系,参与国际友城活动。在中国驻希腊大使馆举办的“中希建交50周年:友谊跨越山海”微视频大赛中获得优胜奖。

多篇戏剧教育论文发表在学术期刊。包括《The endeavors of drama in education in the primary school education in China》发表在希腊戏剧教育协会的学术期刊《Education and Theatre》2022年刊,《Το θεατρικό παιχνίδι στο μάθημα της ιστορίας: Η Μύρτις μάς ταξιδεύει από τον λοιμό των Αθηνών στην πανδημία του σήμερα》发表在希腊学术期刊《Διάλογοι! Θεωρία και πράξη στις επιστήμες αγωγής και εκπαίδευσης》,《基于“米尔蒂斯”古希腊考古项目构建教育戏剧课程的实践研究》获2022年度成都市中小学“中外人文交流特色项目”研究论文评选一等奖。

写作出版了希腊旅行书籍《随希腊众神去探险》《希腊旅本》。参与编写戏剧教育教材《教育戏剧理论与实践——小学教育师范生教材》《Arts Education Futures: Trends Across the Globe》等即将出版。


2024.7. Invited by Zhipu Public Welfare Foundation to Xikou Town, Longyou County, Quzhou City, Zhejiang Province, to hold a drama workshop for 25 teachers from the rural schools of Zhejiang Province. 受致朴公益基金会邀请来到浙江省衢州市龙游县溪口镇,为来自浙江各地二十多名教师举办戏剧工作坊。

2024.7. A seven-day puppet theatre workshop, The Last Wild Country, for the Luxelake community.为麓湖社区开设为期七天的木偶剧工作坊《最后的荒野之国》。

2024.7. Tianqi Theatre Group's "The Necklace", and "The Tempest", and Zhiren Theatre Group's "Wang Cheng" were invited to perform in 2024 Chengdu Children's Theatre Season. 天府七中天七戏剧社马鞍剧团《项链》、墨池剧团《暴风雨》、执仁喜剧团《王成》参演2024成都儿童戏剧季。

2024.6. The latest production of Zhiren Theatre Group of Tianfu No.7 High School, "Dayu Ruling the Water" and "Wings of Icarus", was invited to participate in the 2024 Chengdu Children's Stage Art Excellence Performance. 天府七中执仁剧团最新作品《大禹治水》《伊卡洛斯之翼》受邀参加2024成都儿童舞台艺术精品展演。

2024.6. The premiere of Pinocchio, a children's play by the Parent theatre group of Tianfu No.7 High School, was a success.天七戏剧家长社群儿童剧《木偶奇遇记》首演成功。

2024.6. Completed teaching this semester's major course in Drama in Education in the Department of Primary Education at Chengdu College of Arts and Sciences. 完成在成都文理学院小学教育系本学期教育戏剧专业课教学。

2024.6. Completed teaching this semester of the course "Intercultural Theatre" for international students at the College of Chinese-ASEAN Arts, Chengdu University. 完成在中国-东盟艺术学院为留学生开设的《跨文化戏剧》课程本学期教学。

2024.6. Invited by the Sunny Future Arts Education Foundation to provide public classes and workshops of drama education for 25 art teachers from Qinghai Province.受阳光未来艺术教育基金邀请,为青海省的25名艺术老师提供戏剧公开课和工作坊。

2024.6. Tianfu No.7 High School and A4 Art Museum officially became strategic partners. 59 students' works from Tianfu No.7 High School were shortlisted and exhibited in the 10th iSTART Children's Art Festival.天府七中与A4美术馆正式成为馆校战略合作伙伴,天府七中59名学生作品入围第十届iSTART儿童艺术节并展出。

2024.5. The third Zhiren Theatre Festival was successfully held, including theatrical performances, theatre carnival, art exhibition for teachers and students in Guanghui Art Museum, art curriculum exhibition, dance special performance, and drama education forum, etc. 第三届执仁有戏戏剧节圆满举办,包括有戏剧精彩、戏剧嘉年华、师生美术展、艺术课程展评、舞蹈专场、戏剧教育论坛等。

2024.5. Teachers and students of Tianfu No.7 High School were invited to participate in the Opening Ceremony of the Greek Exhibition of the "European Cultural Season" in Chengdu, performing ancient Greek music and dance. 天府七中师生受邀参加成都市“欧洲文化季”希腊展开幕式,演出古希腊音乐舞蹈。

2024.5. Invited Sanja Krsmanović Tasić, President of IDEA, and Georgina Kakoudaki, Greek director to Chengdu to give lectures and workshops, to walk in the drama classes of Tianfu 7 High School, and to be appointed as the academic advisor and guest mentor for drama education in Tianfu 7 High School. 邀请国际戏剧教育协会主席Sanja Krsmanović Tasić、希腊导演Georgina Kakoudaki到成都举办讲座和工作坊,走进天府七中戏剧课堂,并聘为天府七中戏剧教育的学术顾问和客座导师。

2024.5. Tianfu No.7 Middle School and Central Academy of Drama signed the cooperation agreement on drama education internship base. 天府七中与中央戏剧学院签订戏剧教育实习基地合作协议。

2024.5. Tianfu No.7 High School joined the China-Europe Humanities and Arts Education Alliance as a member of the alliance. 天府七中加入中欧人文艺术教育联盟成为联盟成员单位。

2024.4. Provided training on the theme of "Building a Borderless Curriculum through Drama Education" for the joint research project between Tianfu No.7 High School and Hangzhou Jianxin Primary School and Hangzhou Xinhua Experimental Primary School. 为天府七中与杭州市建新小学和杭州市新华实验小学课题共研项目作《以戏剧教育构建无边界课程》主题培训。

2024.4. Invited by the Nanjing Drama and Education Application Conference, he delivered a keynote speech on "Primary and Secondary School Drama Curriculum Based on Educational Theatre" at the conference.受南京戏剧与教育应用大会邀请,在大会上发表《以教育戏剧为基础的中小学戏剧课程》主旨演讲。

2023.12.- Invited by Zhipu Public Welfare Foundation as a drama education public welfare mentor to support drama education in rural schools such as Tongpu Town Central Primary School in Zhejiang Province, which includes rural teachers learning in Tianfu No.7 High School, on-site coaching in rural schools and online seminars. 受致朴公益基金会邀请担任戏剧教育公益导师,支持浙江省桐浦镇中心小学等乡村学校戏剧教育,包括乡村老师到天府七中跟岗学习、到乡村学校实地指导、线上研讨等。

2023.10. As the co-curator of the Luxe Town "Little Village Games Festival", brought the student's theatre group to perform "Mayfly" 麓镇“小镇游戏节”联合策展人,学生剧团《蜉蝣》演出

2023.10. Drama workshop "The Wings of Icarus" 《伊卡洛斯之翼》戏剧工作坊

2023.9-2025.6 Course of Drama in Education for Class 1 and Class 3 of the college students of Year 2022 in Chengdu College of Arts and Science 为成都文理学院2022级小学教育系1班3班学生开设教育戏剧专业课

2023.8. As the co-curator of the 9th iSTART Children's Art Festival, instructing 43 children to participate with their own works 担任第九届iSTART儿童艺术节联合策展人,指导43个孩子创作作品参与艺术节

2023.8. The Zhiren Experimental Theatre Group, the Zhiren Arts Theatre Group and the children's theatre group from Luxelake Community performed the three plays in the 12th China Children's Theatre Festival Chengdu Branch, all of which directed by Miao Bin and Yuan Yuan. 带领执仁实验剧团、执仁艺术剧团和麓湖儿童剧团参加中国儿童艺术节成都分会场,演出三个剧目

2023.8. 14 students participated in Trinity College London's Acting Initial Exams, and received 10 "distinction" and 4 "merit" 指导14名学生参加伦敦圣三一学院Acting初级测评,拿到10个优和4个良

2023.8. Drama education workshop for 18 teachers from countryside all over China 在T+乡村教师美育素养发展支持计划为乡村教师们提供戏剧教育工作坊

2023.8. Drama workshop for the children from Luxelake Community with the theme of puppet theatre about the abandoned bottles in daily life 为麓湖社区的孩子们提供关于废弃瓶子的木偶剧工作坊

2023.7.-8. Directed the children's theatrical performance "Triassic's Starlights" in STAR THEATRES in Chengdu 担任成都繁星戏剧村驻村导演,导演儿童剧《三叠纪的星光》

2023.7. Teaching Qingcheng Taichi to the athletes from other countries who were participating the World University Games in Chengdu 为参加大运会的外国运动员教青城太极

2023.7. Drama workshop for the visually impaired children 为视障儿童举办戏剧工作坊

2023.7. As the artist-in-residence, curated the "Metaverse" Art Exhibition in Guanghui Arts Museum 作为驻留艺术家,在广汇美术馆策展“元宇宙”执仁师生美术展

2023.6. Performed in the Dragon Boat Festival Concert in Guanghui Arts Museum 在广汇美术馆举办端午音乐会

2023.6. Presentation in the PhD Forum of Chengdu Education Quality Development in Chengdu Education Science Research Institute 在成都教育科学研究院成都教育高质量发展博士论道发表演讲

2023.6. Drama Workshop in the kindergarten in Chengdu 在比心幼儿园上戏剧体验课

2023.6. Organize the drama classes for parents 组织家长戏剧学堂

2021.9.-2023.5. The Project "Bringing Children to Theaters" 发起“带孩子去剧场”项目

2023.5. Participated in 2023 International Drama/Theatre Education Application & Cooperation Congress in Zhuhai, and gave the public observation drama class "Cinderella" in the conference for all the participants and the teacher-training workshops for about 60 teachers from all over China 参加2023年IDEAC戏剧教育大会,为参会嘉宾们提供英文戏剧观摩课《灰姑娘》,并为来自全国各地约60名老师上戏剧师资工作坊

2023.5. Established Drama Education Research Center of Tianfu No.7 High School 成立天府七中戏剧教育研究中心

2023.5. Published my new book "Greek Travel Book" 出版新书《希腊旅本》

2023.4. Participated in 2023 China-Europe Humanities and Arts Education Forum and gave a presentation about the integrated arts curriculum in Tianfu No.7 High School 参加2023中欧人文艺术教育论坛,在论坛上介绍天府七中综合艺术课程

2023.4. The student theatre group performed "Jingwei Filling Up the Sea" in the World Reading Day 学生剧团在世界读书日演出《精卫填海》

2023.3. The students from Tianfu No.7 High School primary section celebrated the World Theatre Day 2023 with the video "Primary School Children's thoughts about drama" 天府七中小学部学生通过视频《小学生对戏剧的想法》庆祝2023世界戏剧日

2023.3. Presentation in the International Conference on Performing Arts titled "Integrated Arts Curriculum in Chinese Schools", organized by Makerere University in Uganda 在乌干达Makerere大学举办的国际表演艺术会议上发表《中国学校综合艺术课程》主题演讲

2023.3. Open drama class for the principals of the schools from Chongqing city 为重庆骨干校长班上戏剧公开课

2023.2. Tianfu No.7 High School and TRINITY COLLEGE LONDON established cooperation relationships as the Registered Center 天府七中和伦敦圣三一学院建立合作关系,成为注册考试中心

2023.2. Organize the 2nd Zhiren Theatre Festival including theatrical performances, dramatic parade, theatre carnival, exhibition of fine arts, and the performance in Guanghui Arts Museum 策划组织第二届执仁有戏戏剧节,包括有戏剧精彩、戏剧大游行、戏剧嘉年华、美术创意展和社会公演

2023.2. Lecture about drama education for the arts teachers of Huayang High School 为华阳中学艺术老师们举办戏剧教育讲座

2022.12. Theatrical performances in Little Lu Theatre Festival in Luxelake Community 在麓湖社区小麓戏剧节戏剧演出

2022.12. Scientific Research Project "Application and Research of Theatre Education in the Teaching Practice of Traditional Culture" Established 科研课题《戏剧教育在传统文化教学实践中的应用与研究》立项

2022.12. The thesis "The endeavors of drama in education in the primary school education in China" published in the journal "Education and Theatre" of Hellenic Theatre / Drama & Education Network 论文《在中国小学教育中引入教育戏剧的实践研究》发表在希腊戏剧教育协会学术期刊《教育和戏剧》

2022.9. Received a prize from Chinese Embassy in Greece for the video "My Story with Greece" 视频《我和希腊的故事》获得中国驻希腊大使馆“中希建交50周年:友谊跨越山海”微视频大赛优胜奖

2022.8. Drama workshop for the children from Luxelake Community titled "The elders and the lake" 为麓湖社区的孩子们举办《老人与湖》戏剧工作坊

2022.8. Participated in the 8th iSTART Children's Arts Festival with the work "Games School" created by 19 children 指导19名孩子创作的《游戏书院》参加第8届iSTART儿童艺术节

2022.6. "Jingwei Filling Up the Sea" by Zhiren Theatre Group advanced to the finals by finishing first in their group 执仁实验剧团《精卫填海》以小组第一名晋级教育部中外人文交流中心举办的“中外人文交流小使者”全国总展示

2022.6. Environmental Theatre in Maan Hill on the Children's Day 六一儿童节马鞍山环境戏剧活动

2022.4. The drama performance "The Space of Humans and Animals" in the integration classes 融合课上的戏剧表演《人类与动物的空间》

2022.3. The lecture "What is theatre/drama" by Miao Bin for the high school students of Tianfu No.7 High School 天府七中高中生讲座《戏剧到底是什么》

2022.2. "Bring Children into Theatres": "The New Xixiang" directed by Ding Yiteng “带孩子们去剧场”:丁一滕《新西厢》

2022.1. The talk with Maria van Bakelen in the event of THE (HI)STORY OF IDEA for the 30 Years Anniversary 在国际戏剧教育协会(IDEA)30周年纪念活动THE (HI)STORY OF IDEA首场活动中,受邀与创会主席Maria van Bakelen共同作为嘉宾进行对谈

2021.12. "Youxi" Children's Theatre in A4 Gallery in Chengdu “有戏”儿童戏剧专场演出圆满举办

2021.12. Zhiren Youxi Theatre Festival 执仁有戏戏剧节圆满举办

2021.11. The children celebrated IDEA Day 学生们庆祝国际戏剧教育协会日

2021.11. The Dialogue between Art and Education 艺术与教育的对话:与A4美术馆李杰副馆长对话

2021.10. “Antigone" by Miao Bin and the children invited by Daliangshan International Theatre Festival 小学生先锋戏剧《安提戈涅》入围大凉山国际戏剧节

2021.8. The presentation "Drama in Education in Primary Schools in China" in IDEA's Together We Go On Festival 在国际戏剧教育协会Together We Go On Festival作为演讲嘉宾发表主题演讲《教育戏剧在中国小学的发展》

2021.9. Design and make drama the compulsory course in Tianfu No.7 High School Primary Section, and leading the other art disciplines to build integrated arts curriculum 在天府七中小学部设计和开设戏剧必修课,并以戏剧引领其他艺术学科建设综合艺术课程

2021.6. The drama workshop in Yizhou Community for the children 成都益州社区教育戏剧工作坊

2021.6. The theatrical performance "Du Fu in Chengdu" was performed in Du Fu Museum 《天府诗圣》在杜甫草堂演出

2021.5. Ring the bells for arts education: UNESCO International Arts Education Week 联合国教科文组织国际艺术教育周

2021.3.Open class "Prometheus" for the Future School Principals Class 为未来校长班上公开课《普罗米修斯》