天七戏剧在北京点亮戏剧教育的火种 Tianfu No.7 High School Lights Up Drama Education in Beijing


The 2025 National Drama Education Spark Mentors' Winter Camp was held in Beijing, which was jointly initiated by Beijing Zhen'ai Public Welfare Foundation and Shanghai Theatre Art Centre. Miao Bin, Director of the Drama Education Research Centre of Tianfu No.7 High School, and Eley Yuan, Head of the Drama Team of Tianfu No.7 High School, were invited to be the “Spark” mentors of the Drama Education and to meet with the excellent drama education mentors from all over the country.


This winter camp was organised by Xu Zheng, founder and co-chairman of Zhen’ai Foundation, Liu Hua, co-founder, director and secretary-general of Zhen’ai Foundation, and William Yip, board member of Zhen’ai Foundation and Artistic Director of Zhen’ai Drama Education Institute, with a total of 16 Spark tutors, in which the tutors presented 9 groups of drama education workshops, covering the forms of drama in education, theatre in education, process drama, applied theatre and other forms of theatre, including Chinese traditional culture, ancient Greek mythology, Shakespearean theatre, realistic social issues, etc. The tutors taught each other through workshops.


Each tutor has been engaged in drama education for a long time, and has formed their own teaching methods, therefore, in this winter camp, everyone brought new ideas, so that everyone benefited a lot.


Workshops can be divided into several categories according to ‘Drama+’:


[Drama + Chinese and foreign classic stories]

《奥菲利亚的影子剧院-中小学戏剧教育实践》 刘铭冈 [翫剧场 艺术总监]

Ophelia's Shadow Theatre - Drama Education Practice in Primary and Secondary Schools by Liu Minggang [Artistic Director, Wan Theatre].

《罗朱之死-教育戏剧在双语戏剧教学中的运用》张雨博 [IDEAC 特约讲师]

The Death of Romeo and Juliet - The Use of Drama in Education in Bilingual Drama Teaching’ by Zhang Yubo [IDEAC Lecturer]

《赵氏孤儿》 陆纨君 [李婴宁工作室 教学总监]

The Orphan of Zhao by Lu Wanjun [Teaching Director, Li Yingning Studio]

《集体中的个性:歌队作为教育戏剧的方法》 缪斌/袁媛 [天府七中戏剧教育研究中心主任/戏剧组组长]

Individuality in the Collective: Chorus as an Approach to Drama in Education by Miao Bin & Eley Yuan [Director of the Drama Education Research Centre of Tianfu No.7 High School/Head of the Drama Team].

信守承诺《九色鹿》 沈雨辰 [猴有戏戏剧教育 创始人]

Keeping the Promise The Nine-Coloured Deer by Shen Yuchen [Founder of Houyouxi Drama Education]


[Drama + Social Issues]

《你和我:从教育戏剧到剧场》 曹曦 [抓马教育和见学国际 创意总监]

You and Me: From Drama in Education to Theatre by Cao Xi [Creative Director, Drama Education and Jianxue International]

《玫瑰少年——性别刻板印象与校园霸凌》 窦晨倩 [凹刺戏剧 创始人]

The Rose Boys - Gender Stereotypes and Bullying in School by Don Chenqian [Founder of Aoci Theatre]


[Theatre + Games]

《戏剧美育之头脑剧场》 柯鲁 [IDEAC戏剧美育课程服务中心 课程总监 ]

Theatre of the Mind: Drama and Aesthetics by Ke Lu [Course Director, IDEAC Drama and Aesthetics Programme Service Centre]

《进阶戏剧游戏》 王强强 [北京臻爱公益基金会 戏剧导师]

Advanced Theatre Games by Wang Qiangqiang [Drama Instructor, Beijing Zhen'ai Public Welfare Foundation]

其中,缪斌老师和袁媛老师带来的工作坊《集体中的个性:歌队作为教育戏剧的方法》 ,首次提出在中小学戏剧课程中运用歌队这个古希腊戏剧中的关键元素。在天府七中的教育戏剧课程教学和剧团的戏剧创编中,歌队是被频繁使用的方法。尤其对于中小学大班额下的全体参与、在过程中通过孩子们的即兴创编实现戏剧的教育价值、在集体创造中凸显每个人的个性观点和行动等被证明是有效的。通过集体中的个性表达,深入探索儿童的心理世界,引发对自我认知和世界认知的思考。

The workshop “Individuality in the Collective: Chorus as an Approach to Drama in Education” presented by Miao Bin and Eley Yuan, proposed for the first time the use of chorus, a key element in ancient Greek theatre, in primary and secondary school drama curricula. The chorus is a frequently used method in the teaching of the drama curriculum and the creation of plays by the students’ theatre groups in Tianfu 7 High School. It has proved to be effective especially for the participation of all in large class sizes in primary and secondary schools, for realising the educational value of drama through the improvisation of the children during the process, and for highlighting the individual viewpoints and actions of each person in the collective creation. Through individual expression in a group, the children's psychological world is explored in depth, provoking reflection on self-awareness and world awareness.


The two teachers used the drama course “Icarus’ Wings” as material to take the tutors to experience the chorus as a drama in education approach in practice. This workshop brought a lot of inspiration to the teachers, who were fully engaged in the one hour and a half workshop, compactly experiencing the drama classes of Miao Bin and Eley Yuan. At the end of the workshop, the teachers watched “Icarus’ Wings” performed by Tianfu No.7 High School Primary Section’s Zhiren Theatre Group and praised the children's creations.


In recent years, the drama eduction team of Tianfu No.7 High School has gone from working quietly to going out and communicating with various drama educators.


From a small spark, we are now like a candle that can light up a small piece of world. As Mr. William Yip said, our goal is to make drama education available to all children in China, and the team of Tianfu No.7 High School is willing to work with all the ‘spark’ educators in drama education to achieve this goal.


Miao Bin και Eley Yuan: Πορευόμαστε σε αχαρτογράφητη περιοχή, μα κάνουμε κάτι ωφέλιμο για τους άλλους


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